Costronica Pocket Smoke PRO

$ 50.51

Micro smoke machine PRO v3 for a wide range of cosplay , costume , tabletop , photography and many other projects !

USES A 16340 / RCR123 BATTERY, more info below + links!

Improvements over the PRO v1 + v2:

More smoke output.

Stronger push forward of smoke.

Silent pump!

Battery case has a cover so your batteries will not fall out.

Heat resistant nozzle for longer continuous operating time.

FLAT DESIGN IS BACK! enabling us to provide low cost worldwide shipping due to mailbox slot sized flat boxes.


Complete Costronica Pocket Smoke PRO v3.

Quick connect push fitting (to easy connect/disconnect tube).

1 meter of tube to guide smoke to a point of your choosing.

Small bottle filled with our fog fluid.

Remote control only! A for toggle, B for momentary.

Powered by a RCR123 / 16340 lithium-ion battery! (not included)

Connector for the LED, if led is purchased.

Instructional video, available in your package.


Battery pack easily accessed from the back, both unprotected and protected 16340 batteries work, though i recommend the protected battery of-course.

you must acquire your own 16340 rechargeable battery with separate charger for this to work, they are a bit more uncommon than 18650 batteries but here are some link suggestions where you could obtain them:

(WARNING: do NOT get 16340 batteries from Amazon or Ebay, too many fake 16340 batteries are there, how to spot a fake 16340? they list absurd amounts of mAh-ratings on them, anything above 900-1000 mAh can be considered false marketing/fake)


EU: (i use this one) (charger)



(for UK users, please buy my chargers as the chargers sold on above website are overpriced)

Costronica Pocket Smoke PRO v3 can run continuous before a refill is needed, for up to 20 minutes straight, however recommended use is intermittent with a cooling off period in between to prolong coil life and allow fluid to soak up into cotton and reach the coils.

Check the last image listed for a dimensional overview.

To refill Costronica Pocket Smoke PRO v3 use our fog fluid mix for best results, additional bottles are available in our 30ml and 60ml bottles.

Standard fog fluids can work but to a lesser degree as these are often thinned with distilled or osmosis water.


- All tinkering and modification by the buyer is at their own risk.

- Listing pictures and videos of pocket smoke PRO v3 are powered with "Nitecore RCR123 3.7v battery"

- Treat with care and Costronica products last for all your projects.

Thank you very much.

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